Kaleköy – 4 km north of Merkez, this village is consisted of two parts (10 minutes away from each other by walking): the newer coastal hood and the upper part on the top of a hill . There is a citadel (or what is left of a citadel) in the upper part.

There is no admission fee, and it is virtually open 24 hrs a day since there is no gate nor a guard.

Zeytinli – 3 km NW of Merkez. Situated on a gentle slope surrouded by oliveyards.

Tepeköy – about 10 km NW of Merkez. Situated on a hill overlooking the turquoise dam lake and surrounding hills around.

Dereköy – about 15 km west of Merkez. Situated on two slopes of a valley, parted by a road inbetween. This village is said to be Turkey’s biggest village once, with a population of 10,000. Now almost totally deserted. Be sure to visit the dark laundry building –which is not used anymore- of this village.

All these villages (except Kaleköy’s coastal part) are situated on the top of the hills and/or considerably away from the sea to escape pirate raids of the past.

Most parts of these villages are more or less deserted, and some parts are ruined. The three most liveliest villages are Kaleköy, Zeytinli, and Tepeköy.

If you do not have a car or a taxi waiting for you, do not forget to take at least three liters of bottled water (that means two large bottles) with you when visiting the villages since you may have to walk back to where you are staying and there is no guarantee that you will find a source of drinkable water (or somewhere selling it) in these mostly deserted villages or on the way.

Aydıncık beach (also known as Kefalos) and the salt lake – in the southeast part of the island, about 10 km from Merkez. A low dune separates the sea and the lake, which is very shallow, about 1 metre depth in its deepest parts. In the olden times, before commercial packaged salt was available, islanders were producing their own salt here. The lake smells funny because of some natural chemical it contains, which is said to cure some skin problems. It is a good idea to first have a mudbath in the lake and then rinse in the sea (Be careful, there are lots of sea urchins –which can spoil your trip if prick on your skin, especially feet- around this area).

Yıldızkoy beach – Can be reached by following the trail starting behind Yenibademli (10 minutes). All around the cove is covered by mountains of black volcanic rocks.