Konya Vacation Guide

Konya Ince Minare Stone and Wooden Works Museum

It was built in 1258 between the years of -1279 by the vizier Ata Fahreddin Ali during the 2nd period of the Seljuk Sultan Izzeddin Keykavus to teach the science of hadith. The architect of the building is Abdullah Bin Keluk.

The madrasa is one of the groups of closed courtyard madrasas of the Seljuk period. It is made as a single iwan. The crown door located to the east is one of the most beautiful examples of Seljuk period stone Decking. The portal is decorated with verses from the Surahs of Conquest and Yasin and with floral and geometric motifs.

The courtyard is entered after the cross-vaulted entrance section. There are rectangular planned student cells with cradle vaults on the south and north of the square planned courtyard with a pool in the middle and a dome on top. There is also a square-plan domed teacher’s room on both sides of the iwan. The transition to the dome was provided with pendentives. “Al-Mulku-Lillah” is written in kufic script on the dome pulley, and “Ayat-al-Kursi” decorated with geometric and floral motifs is written on the room doors and window pediments of the courtyard. The illumination of the building is provided by the light lantern, which is located in the dome with battlements and rectangular windows.

Cutting and rubble stone were used as construction materials in the madrasa. In the interior, brick was used for both static and decorative purposes.

Turquoise and purple colored tiles were used in the brick braided and eight-pointed minaret that gave the name to the structure. While the original minaret had two cheers, as a result of lightning striking the minaret in 1901, it was destroyed under the first cheers.

The Ince (Thin) Minaret Madrasa continued its activities as a madrasah until the end of the 19th century. It is known that it was repaired in 1876 -1899. After various repair works started since 1936 during the Republican period, the main major repair of the museum, which was Decommissioned in 1956 as a Museum of Stone and Wooden Artifacts, was carried out between 2001 and 2002. The mosque, which was destroyed along with its minaret by a lightning strike, has been restored in accordance with the original with the last congregation enclosure and one cell.

In the museum, Seljuk, and Ottoman periods Economics engraving inscriptions written on stone and marble with the technique of construction and repair of Konya belonging to the castle, high relief, reliefs, wood, various decorative materials, carved doors and shutters, decorated with geometric and floral motifs, with carved wooden ceiling and bare hubs exhibited on a marble grave, although the tombstones.

The most beautiful marble relief examples of the double-headed eagle and winged angel figures, the symbol of the Seljuks, whose capital is Konya, are also exhibited in this museum.

Museum Building; Konya Central Selcuklu district, Hamidiye Mah. It is located at Alaaddin Boulevard No: 29.