Antalya Vacation Guide

Discover the Ancient City of Simena

The name Simena is mentioned firstly in written sources of Plinius. Presently Somena is known as Simena (citadel).

It is considered that the name of the city is derived from the word of “Luvice” meaning holly motherland. Three great islets called Saçma Ada, Kurşun Adası and Papaz Ada aline in front of Simena. It is remarkable that each house in Simena had a pier.

The stairs once descending into the sea had been continuing inside the sea. There are many ceramic pieces inside this section of the sea. Breakwater of Simena is located at the location called Kaptan Burnu.

The ruins of the settlement of the period of Principalities (Beyliks) located in Antique City of Acropolis in Simena indicate that the earliest settlement in the region had started in the classical era.

Usage of the port had started first in this era and continued for 2000 years until 1500 AD. Around 1500 AD, a new acropolis had been formed with mediaeval castle and anything pertaining to antique eras had been evaluated again in this new era.

The ramparts pertaining to medieval age had been built mostly on previous ramparts or foundations. Some of the ruins of the structures with walls having multiple corners encountered at various locations of the settlement continue to be a part of the housing also in the present time. However, any vestige of structure pertaining to late period has not been observed in the port section.

One of the structure that may be completed is at the skirt of acropolis: it is understood from its scripture quoted as: “Dedicated to Emperor Titus by the consul and the citizens of Aperlal and other members of the union” that it had been a small bath. Presence of the bath indicates especially that urbanization of the settlement had started first in the second half of the 1st century A.D. The settlement originated from classical era had started to turn into a city with a bath and a theatre at the end of Hellenistic period.

The slope rising from sea coast upwards to Acropolis indicates the characteristics of an area where people lived since the first period, and public structures served. Many ruins of structures are observed among and inside the present day houses.

The tombs are encountered among them along the exit way. It is read from the scripture on the tombstone that one of the tombs pertained to Mentor, son of Idakros. One of the biggest structures present at the slope before reaching the ramparts is the church with its standing apse and its nave walls that are visible easily. This structure should be the first temple of Simena. In the latest period the structure was used as an Ottoman Mosque and opened to worship after completion of restoration.

Small theatre constructed in the upper city was one of the earliest theatres of Lycia with seven had a capacity of 200 spectators and, its size had matched to the size of the city. The theatre had been excavated completely in the rock in Hellenistic period. It is considered that all meetings in Simena lacking any other meeting place had been held here.

The most abundant ruins are in the graveyards. The most famous tomb seen also in the pictures is the tomb with a saddle shaped top remaining 1.40 m in the water. It is famous because of being inside the water not because of its characteristics.